Get the claim parameters for a given drop
import { getClaimParams } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc1155"; const claimParams = await getClaimParams({ contract, to: "0x...", quantity: 1n, type: "erc1155", tokenId: 0n,});
function getClaimParams( options: GetClaimParamsOptions,): Promise<{ allowlistProof: OverrideProof; currency: string; data: `0x${string}`; overrides: { erc20Value: | undefined | { amountWei: bigint; tokenAddress: string }; value: bigint; }; pricePerToken: bigint; quantity: bigint; receiver: string; tokenId: undefined | bigint;}>;
The options for getting the claim parameters
let options: GetClaimParamsOptions;
let returnType: Promise<{ allowlistProof: OverrideProof; currency: string; data: `0x${string}`; overrides: { erc20Value: | undefined | { amountWei: bigint; tokenAddress: string }; value: bigint; }; pricePerToken: bigint; quantity: bigint; receiver: string; tokenId: undefined | bigint;}>;
The claim parameters